Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Only the soup can save us.

So the creeping death is creeping up. Baguettes and chicken cacciatore did not help it. The answer is obviously some fucking soup. I wholeheartedly disagree with rigid soup recipes. Put well treated things in a pot, don't be silly about it, cook them properly, don't forget the salt, consume.

Randburger Soup

take half of a turkey carcass. leave it on the counter
an onion
2 stalks celery
2 decent sized carrot, or 1 ubercarrot
1 red bell pepper
drop into a pot that is hot and has 1 tbspn oil in it.

season that shit with salt and pepper.

when the veg gets translucent, drop in the animal carcass, and fill the (hopefully large) pot to about 3 inches from the top

drop in a bay leaf
chili pepper
habanero (this goes into anything I make that is savoury these days)
half a bag of spinach
season it until it tastes like something then...
about a pound of hamburger

cook that shit

when things get a little bit lovely and silky looking from the turkey carcass, take the bones out, along with any narsty bits, mash the meat up.

cook until it looks totally awesome. the longer you go, the more the flavours will meld.

Ladle into a bowl. If you're keeping up with things, you've gone to this site: and have started making baguettes. If you are not powerful enough to eat 3 in 24 hours, you'll probably have some sort of bread to sop your awesome broth up with.

Fuck yeah.

My friend Matt is cool, this is his song :

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